Moirai - The three fates of life
Moirai were the three goddesses of fate who personified the inescapable destiny of man in Greek myth. They controlled the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal from birth to death. A thread, as I see it, that is actually woven by memories, dreams and death. All the thing that are present through all our lives and that in fact shape us as human beings.
Memories are all of these things that we collect from our past. Like a book with different chapters. But memory is so selective. We decide what to put in that book or what to cut out.
Dreams always seem so bright and full of vivid colors. But reality is a bit different. Take a closer look and you’ll see all the flaws. Little cracks and wrinkles indicating that they are only an illusion.
Death is like a knife's blade. Cold and sharp. Never too far away no matter what you offer.